June 12, 2005

Late for Practice

I've finally figured out how my website's going to look. I may be able to upload the site by the end of June!

Church band practice usually starts at 8 PM, so I thought something was wrong when I arrived fifteen minutes late and found the place empty. It turned out that the band decided to practice early (very early, at 9 AM) which was fine since I'm not scheduled to play for tomorrow's (today's?) service. But some of the songs haven't been typed and photocopied on acetate yet, and that meant a trip to the nearest internet cafe, one jeepney ride from home.

But why ride when you can walk?

I am definitely changing the practice schedule from PM to AM if the guys prefer it. I know I do. The neighbors do not agree that playing P&W songs in the loudest possible volume at midnight conduces a blissful sleeping atmosphere.

So that's what the recover post button's for. I wish I knew about it yesterday.


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