June 24, 2006

I'm so Wet

I woke up yesterday to find my room flooded in water. Guess what? I placed all my work on the floor the night before!

The culprit I found out was someone who left the faucet running. All the rooms were flooded. I could imagine how high the water rose to, about three inches as indicated by the water stains on my drawing board. Poor me. I just stared at the mess the whole morning, figuring out what to do.

What can I do? Shrug my shoulders and do everything from scratch.

I'm not sure if there's a lesson here. I would want to say, "Don't put your things on the floor," or "Don't let anyone leave the faucet on," but I don't think that would help in the future. It's like saying, "Don't let hurricanes in the country." Useless. These are things you just have to accept.


And thank you Josephine for the post. I appreciate it.


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