July 15, 2006

Keeping it Simple

I deleted around fifty emails today on my yahoo address, most were messages from aquaintances and marketing offers that somehow didn't get deleted immediately. I also created two new folders to filter in mail when they come. I have ten folders right now, and I don't know what's inside. I'll be inspecting the contents in the future.

This is one of the revolutions I have made that started about ten years ago. With a room overcluttered with books from high school and below, unused art materials, and trinkets from who knows where, I was forced to reduce the number of items I had, brutally, not unlike the room cleaning featured in Oprah. Thus started my minimalist outlook in life. Although it makes life easier, it also makes it disposable. What happens is after some deep thinking, I throw away what I don't think is important, and there are a lot of things that clutter life that has no bearing in the future, or in life, or anywhere else.

One thing I found interesting. If I do forget something important, people can remind me of it.


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