July 06, 2006

Not Quite There Yet

You know those movies where the hero gets fired up and decides to fix up his life, then cuts to the scene where he's shown as goofing off? Guilty.

I have two more weeks to submit four entries for two separate workshops, and I haven't done anything yet. The culprit? TV (what else could it be?). The justification is, there's so much information on it that it's silly not to take advantage of the technology. For instance, from watching, "Bituing Walang Ningning" I have learned that you can sell a song for P50,000 (my mom watches this. I just glance at the tube every now and then when I get snacks. Really.)

It's one of my very bad habits. I think of something to write, and when nothing comes up, I turn on the TV. The day ends without me having done anything. The deadline comes closer. I get panicky and decide to drop the project for the lack of time. Pathetic.

So. No more TV for me. Ever. Discipline.

The good news though is that I got another part-time writing gig as a blog writer. Imagine writing something like the one I do for this site, and being paid for it. Not bad. I can now do my portfolio in peace, knowing I have the funds to, I dunno, goof off perhaps?

And, the portfolio. I'm coloring a few comic book pages with the computer and I don't feel like I know what I'm doing anymore. It's not like riding a bike; riding an airplane is a more appropriate analogy for it, with me wondering what those buttons are for again. It'll come back to me. I still have one month.

As long as I don't turn on the tube.

I'll be in Megamall tomorrow for a meeting with our resident programmer for Melchman's Stuff (www.melchman.com). I'm not goofing off.

Oh, who am I kidding?


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The entries written here are based on true stories. Whenever possible, non-factual events and situations are labeled to distinguish the real from the imagined. Yes, sometimes the author can tell the two apart.