July 27, 2006

Versus the TV

I know I shouldn't be slaving in front of it, but I do. At least now I keep it to two hours, maybe three, but that's not all right. In three hours I can finish a lot of writing modules. Three hours mean a chapter (if it's not NaNoWriMo; if it is it means 4-5,000 words).

Our church drummer mentioned that last Sunday. He's having the same problem. It's in our plans that if we move to our own houses, the TV is the last thing we'll get. At least I'm not alone. Still, it's a struggle the two of us have to overcome.

Sometimes I frighten myself with my writing passion. A few years ago this was how I felt about drawing, which now I am apathetic to. That's very scary. What if it happens to my writing as well? My solution so far is to force my self to draw and hopefully get that passion back.


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