January 03, 2006

Failure! Argh!

Things to do:

Finish coloring comic book pages for Melchman's Stuff
X FAILED! Finish Dragon Fiction story
Finish comic book script for contest
Finish short story for contest

It's really my fault why I couldn't bring myself to finish the dragon fic story. When did I begin? Yesterday. When is the deadline? Tonight at 12. I've been captured by the essence of NaNoWriMo that I forgot this was the real thing. A lot of grammatical errors and plot inconsistencies won't work for the story. So, I've decided to go on with the comic book script and save my dragon fic story for the contest.

I'm starting to hate work again. Good thing I was able to visit the Melchman's Stuff office and talk about activites for 2006. I guess we'll be serious this year, and hopefully get a lot of money in the process. I need to get myself a planner.


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The entries written here are based on true stories. Whenever possible, non-factual events and situations are labeled to distinguish the real from the imagined. Yes, sometimes the author can tell the two apart.