January 02, 2006

Thoughts for the New Year - Work

Things to do:

Finish coloring comic book pages for Melchman's Stuff
Finish Dragon Fiction story
Finish comic book script for contest
Finish short story for contest

Coloring comic books isn’t as exciting as it sounds. You will be captivated by the task while doing the first few pages, but you’ll soon realize that you just need a little over .001% of your brain power to color the pages most of the time. Pretty soon your hands will be doing all the thinking for you, leaving your brain unoccupied and bored. It’s like watching static. Now I thought I was the only person with this problem; it turns out even my old friend Melch hadn’t escaped that predicament as well when he started rendering his assigned pages.

I’m glad that’s over. Today I’ll start working on the dragon fiction and should end by January 4, the deadline for submissions. Just when I thought I could lie down for the whole day doing nothing, I am forced out of my bed by the writing muse to work. Oh, sleep, that elusive luxury, more precious than gold, more desired than silver. It kinda reminds me of the poem I had published (see emanilapoetry.com).

I guess I’m tired after searching for gifts to buy yesterday afternoon. The malls didn’t open until 12 noon so I had to keep myself awake for two hours (I left the office around 9:30) by working on the dragon fiction submission, which was hard to work on when you’re deprived of sleep. It took me four hours to choose gifts to give my folks, and they don't look that good, now that I got a better look at what I bought after a few hours of sleep. Oh well, it's the thought that counts.

At last I was able to watch Spirited Away on DVD. The more I analyze the story, the more the logic eludes me. Either it's because of the tranlsation or it's just me. It might be me. I enjoyed Mononoke Hime better. Creativity wise though, I wish I had thought of the concept. If I did, I might have put some sense to it that would, for better or worse, change the story.

This of course, my own opinion, nothing more.


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