December 07, 2005

At the End of the Day

This might sound weird, but I found myself chewing on apple juice. Yes, apple juice. No meat, no skin, no seeds, just pure, plain, apple juice. And I chew as I drink.

NaNoWriMo has finally ended, and I find a lot of free time on my hands. Well, actually it's a couple of hours, and I've reserved that time to work. But no, I don't consider myself a workaholic. It's just that I treat work as play.

Haha. Sigh.

Work is stressful as always as I try to certify myself into becoming a full-fledged customer service associate. Do you know how wonderful it is to walk in the streets at 11 PM when all the stores are close an you're not sure if the person walking beside you is just walking beside you?

And that's my current frustration. Other than that, life is good. At least, so far.

I'm still looking forward to the local NaNoWriMo EB this Saturday. Of course, I'll tell you all about it.


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