October 09, 2005

Ghosts at Work

Work ended with talk of ghosts. During the last hour of training the computers were acting up with no plausible reason (yeah, and the sun rises because Apollo rides his chariot. Duh). Then the room got colder, and the only explanation anyone could offer was Billy.

There was talk that one employee went in the rec room alone to get coffee from the dispenser. Behind her was a boy who said hi. She was then rushed to the hospital suffering from a nervous breakdown or something after that. A few more unexplained mishaps like that and Billy was born.

Suddenly everyone was seeing (or feeling) something in the room. Heck, someone said there was a ghost leaning behind me while I was taking notes! Then there were ghosts beside people, and ghosts in the computers, and we scared ourselves out of the training room ten minutes before our shift ended.

Of course, yours truly could only write about the events that took place that Saturday morning, having no ability to see or feel spirits.

Not that I don't believe in ghosts. If you believe God you have to believe in demons. I do believe in supernatural events, and supernatural beings. Maybe it was hysteria back there, maybe it was the real deal, I'm not sure. What I'm sure of is this: Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world.


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