June 18, 2005

Work Work Work

I have two ideas for my sample story; one of them has a rough outline. There really isn't much you could do when you're tired. I spent the night doing color flats for a friend's comic book pages. FYI: color flats mean coloring a page using a computer without the shading. I told him I might go back to coloring comics for his company since the money's good. Of course he said ok. That settled, I might work on my portfolio after the website's finished, with the content and all (might is a good word; coloring is a mind-numbing experience. If I can collect a number of audio books to play while I work, then it’s a go).

That same friend and I (let's call him Melch) got a gig working on content for this mobile phone company, actually a joint project. We provide the content, they work on the programming. I understand a little programming, but I thought it better to leave it to the experts. The html incident this week is still fresh in my mind. Five hours to find a no break space ruining the layout! Of all the things that could drive you insane!

Tomorrow’s acetates might not be a problem anymore. All the songs have been printed out on a typewriting sheet, all ready to be photocopied on acetate. Tomorrow’s a good day for that, during practice (I’ve managed to get the team to practice in the morning).


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The entries written here are based on true stories. Whenever possible, non-factual events and situations are labeled to distinguish the real from the imagined. Yes, sometimes the author can tell the two apart.