July 21, 2005

The Hardest Part of Writing is Writing

I just finished reading "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe, a white-man-destroying-the-colored-man story. Of course I can relate; the Philippines had been colonized in a fairly similar way, with the Spaniards destroying the old way of life with their government and religion, the noble laws and people treated without the proper dignity.

I’ll probably make a report about it sometime soon, but not today. I am too tired not to sleep.

If there is one hard thing for me to do, it’s talking about myself. I’ve spent hours trying to come up with 1,200 words to describe myself for my profile, and all I can think of is blank. I need a little more ego. I mean, sure, I know myself a lot more than anyone does, but how to put it on paper without sounding like someone unlike me is a challenge, especially if talking about myself IS someone unlike me.


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