June 23, 2005

I Close My Eyes

I worked on the computer the whole day yesterday doing my part of the user guide for this mobile phone game. I turned the computer off at around 11 PM, with a promise that I'd go back and finish work at 1 in the morning. So I set my alarm to go off at 1 and dozed off.

I woke up at six.

The casting officer never called. That must mean I didn't get the part, which is a good thing, now that I think about it. Since shootings would be on Saturdays and Sundays, I wouldn't be able to attend the Gaiman Tour this July (yes, I'm looking forward to it). What was I thinking then? If they do call I'll probably say no.

On a lighter note, I bought myself a copy of Buy and Sell and found this company looking for a cartoon colorist. I got curious and submitted my resume, and got a call a few hours after. Guess what, it's the same company I worked for two years ago! Same coloring company, different boss, different location. I'm going there to meet the guys and update my contacts list. I missed work.

That doesn't mean I'm going back. Not unless they allow me to go part-time, or make me boss or something.


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