September 22, 2005

Oh, the Humanity!

I have this habit of turning on the TV a few minutes before I get out of the house, just to know what programs I'll be missing. So there I was, flipping channels until I landed on HBO where "Tuesdays with Morrie" was being shown. Of all the things I could miss, why did it have to be that? Why?

While walking along Quezon City Hall I got a chance to see two very old cars on display: one that was used by General Douglas McArthur during his stay in the Philippines; the other was used by former President Manuel Quezon. The cars looked like those used to transport coffins. I forgot what they were called.

I haven't written anything since Monday. Now I'm starting to have doubts whether I did well to get a regular job. Then again, did I do well enjoying something that doesn’t get me cash?


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