August 24, 2005

While I Was Thinking

I was reading a textbook on economics when I got this idea for a comic book. It’s weird, because the story and economics are totally unrelated, but that’s inspiration for ‘ya: never know when it’ll come; it just does. So I spread out all my comic books to hopefully feed my inspiration and come up with a story that I could write and draw.

The biggest drawback I have is that I lost my drawing skills. I’ve opted to instead excel in writing and let the artists draw for me. Problem is, the artists I work with behave unprofessionally, and so there are only two comic books out in the market that I’ve written.

I want to do more but I don’t have artists! So this time I’ll eliminate that problem and draw the comic book myself (which brings in a different set of problems, like I’m not that good an artist). Think I can? Think I can’t? Stay tuned!


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