September 27, 2005

What the Night Looked Like

Starting work at 9 PM feels weird. At the back of my mind I keep thinking it's Friday, probably because I work late on Melchman's projects then on Fridays. In the office though, you won't realize what time it is. It's always a perpetual afternoon where the lights are dimmed and the only indication of passing time are the wall clocks distributed around the building. They even serve lunch at midnight, if you could believe that. Sure enough, we call our mid-break, lunch.

One of the modules I worked on involved recording your own voice to know how you sound over the phone when talking to a client. I've been soft-spoken these past two weeks, thinking that the sound of my voice improves when I do it. Unfortunately, I sound like I'm talking in my sleep. I've been sounding like this and nobody told me! By the end of the module I was back to my normal voice, which sounded a lot better. Now if only I could stop stuttering...

I had spicy Korean noodles for breakfast. I wish I had an unlimited supply of noodles.


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