November 03, 2006

Working in the Office

Guess how many times I could say that? Working in the house has its advantages, but there’s nothing like having officemates on your sides and a supervisor on your back to take the work seriously.


If my workspace were this organized I might get to finish work in half the time! I guess I have to clean the area up this weekend.

My mind is more of a mess than my workspace. It is evident when I turn on the TV and start flipping channels without settling for a program to watch, like I’m looking for something, and I have a deadline on my hands, and it’s NaNoWriMo and I couldn’t find a songleader for Sunday since everyone’s going to Antipolo to promote the inter-church sportsfest we’re spearheading. Focus is the word of the day. Thank God I have a real office to work in.


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