December 31, 2005

The Way to Start the New Year

Things to do:

Finish coloring comic book pages for Melchman's Stuff
Finish Dragon Fiction story
Finish comic book script for contest
Finish short story for contest

The plan was to finish the comic book pages at the last week of December. I have four more pages to go before I'm free of the curse and am finally able to work on my Dragon Fiction, which has a deadline of January 4. Now the most obvious thing to do is to drop the Dragon Fiction (which would not give any monetary compensation) and make my life easier, but my writer's ego states I have to write as much as possible, even at the cost of my own life.

So, there goes my few hours of rest and relaxation each day. I can imagine how horrible life was during NaNo when I had to drag myself in front of the keyboard everyday to work on something that doesn't even make sense, and wow, I'm doing it again! Whoo!

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December 10, 2005

Shrug Shoulders

Today is for the first official NaNoWriMo general meeting! After 30 grueling days of finishing 50,000 words, the word warriors finally see each other in the flesh and, well, do stuff. How many came?


Ok, so that wasn't successful. I hope next week would have better results.

So there I was, wandering in SM Megamall looking for things new, and I couldn't miss the comic book stores (of course). When I went in a few years ago, I was like, "I can do better than these guys." Now, it's more like, "Oh well, that's not for me." I hate it. Deep inside there's that part that doesn't want to give up. There's that part that's surrendering because of the losses, but I guess there's that kid inside of me, plotting of some great grand comeback to prove that I am wrong. I hope he wins.

I still have to work Sundays, and that's not good. I wish I could quit work. Anyone got P20,000 to pay my bond?

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December 07, 2005

At the End of the Day

This might sound weird, but I found myself chewing on apple juice. Yes, apple juice. No meat, no skin, no seeds, just pure, plain, apple juice. And I chew as I drink.

NaNoWriMo has finally ended, and I find a lot of free time on my hands. Well, actually it's a couple of hours, and I've reserved that time to work. But no, I don't consider myself a workaholic. It's just that I treat work as play.

Haha. Sigh.

Work is stressful as always as I try to certify myself into becoming a full-fledged customer service associate. Do you know how wonderful it is to walk in the streets at 11 PM when all the stores are close an you're not sure if the person walking beside you is just walking beside you?

And that's my current frustration. Other than that, life is good. At least, so far.

I'm still looking forward to the local NaNoWriMo EB this Saturday. Of course, I'll tell you all about it.

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December 03, 2005

Back After 50,000 Words

It's my fault. I'm sorry I wasn't able to update you guys. Work is really killing me, and I know it isn't an excuse, but I've got no other reason other than that.

I think at one time I was able to type 12,000 words in a day. See? It's possible. My story however sucks, and it ended with one protagonist marrying an alien, and the other two unknowingly achieving a dream that they had during their childhood. What can I say? It's bad, but it isn't that bad. I'm happy.

Another thing that I learned that I was strangely consistent with my characters. Jess, the aspiring singer, had been a bully because she wanted attention. What happens when she has a rival getting all that? So there's tension. Eric was a prank mastermind, and Bob was a master prankster, described in the middle of the book, so they were able to sabotage the rival's concert. Yes, it's weird, but in a way, everything falls in place. That's what I'm happy about.

I thought now that's over, I could sleep for a whole day. Not so. Turns out I've been missing a lot of activites (such as blogging) and that means some more work, and I'm really tired. Oh well. I've deleted a lot of email, some of those were from friends. If I was not able to reply, you know why (hey, that rhymes!)

Well, back to writing.

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The entries written here are based on true stories. Whenever possible, non-factual events and situations are labeled to distinguish the real from the imagined. Yes, sometimes the author can tell the two apart.


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