June 27, 2006

Published Again!

I got this message in Friendster congratulating me that my work would be included in this book anthology. My first impression was that it was spam, since I have no idea where the message came from. Then I remembered that I did pass articles to that person. Last year.

Well, better late than never.

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June 26, 2006

Blind Date

My friend set me up with her co-worker and, after church, we headed out to one of the fast food restaurants to get to know each other. The meeting was ok, since it was in the get-to-know-you phase, though I couldn't help thinking about how cool it would be if we had name tags and paper hats. Maybe that would have broken the ice.

No, of course not.

It's not my friend's fault. I have been whining about not having a girlfriend ever since we've known each other. Now she's found someone she thinks would jive with my personality and hence, the date, although I find the lack of drive to look at my date as a potential relationship builder a little odd. I must be in the stage where some other thing is more important (like, oh, I don't know. Writing.).

Or it could be an elaborate rationale for having nothing happen.

That's as far as I'll go regarding what happened. It feels weird talking about the details of a date. Maybe that's why no one does it. And who am I to break tradition? For the record, I went to a blind date, nothing happened, 'nuff said.

Maybe I'll elaborate when I'm doing my autobiography, or a short story. Or a novel. Or poem. Or song.

Hmm. Now I know why such devices were invented.

This is pretty interesting.

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June 25, 2006

Nothing. Again.

I got a haircut today. That's after five months, so I couldn't recognize myself in the mirror.

And I'm not sure why that became an update. I mean, sure, it's something new, but who cares?

I need to write more. And yes, I'm still working on the new design for the site.

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June 24, 2006

I'm so Wet

I woke up yesterday to find my room flooded in water. Guess what? I placed all my work on the floor the night before!

The culprit I found out was someone who left the faucet running. All the rooms were flooded. I could imagine how high the water rose to, about three inches as indicated by the water stains on my drawing board. Poor me. I just stared at the mess the whole morning, figuring out what to do.

What can I do? Shrug my shoulders and do everything from scratch.

I'm not sure if there's a lesson here. I would want to say, "Don't put your things on the floor," or "Don't let anyone leave the faucet on," but I don't think that would help in the future. It's like saying, "Don't let hurricanes in the country." Useless. These are things you just have to accept.


And thank you Josephine for the post. I appreciate it.

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June 21, 2006

Got Paid

I finished translating the survey forms last Sunday, and now I got my payment. I'm rich again!

And I haven't finished my portfolio yet for July. I'm rich and dead.

Josephine (the one who referred me for the job) and I had a good, one-sided conversation today. I was the one who had nothing to say (as usual). But it was good nevertheless. I need to stop thinking a bit and start talking my mind. It should be good for me. That's after I finish the portfolio.

And I have a comic strip to do, and an entry for Faithwriters. I'm dead three times over. And I'm not sure if that's possible. Maybe it is. I sure feel that way.

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June 17, 2006

The Translator

I found work translating survey answers from Filipino to English (one of the few benefits of being bilingual). Just an odd job to pay for fast food dinners and arcade game tokens.

The job should end this Sunday, then I'm back to my regular routine of writing and drawing. It's only a few days till July and I haven't started on my portfolio yet.

Translation: "I'm dead."

The comment of the day, something I found at someone's blog site: "Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener."


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June 13, 2006

I Quit

Stupid company. They're going to make us work for $100 a month for a full-time, 9-hour evening shift. Umm...no.

Now that I'm officially unemployed, I have a script to finish by the 15th and a portfolio to show by the end of the month. Of course I'll update you guys, although still not as often as, well, everyday. Do I still know how to draw? It's been three years five years since I drew anything of significance. Oh well, I have to start somewhere.

And my writing's improved. Go Erwin!

Anything to take my mind off the company.

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June 04, 2006

Shrug Shoulders

What can I say? They still haven't paid me yet, so I'm working on my poetry. Yes, I know I should write more. Unfortunately, studying how to write is taking up a lot of my time, and I again apologize for not updating everyone.

I am proud to have fixed the computer all by myself. Well, reinstall the operating system. It's always a source of pride doing something right the first time.

To prove I'm really working on my poetry, I've posted one here. Enjoy.

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The entries written here are based on true stories. Whenever possible, non-factual events and situations are labeled to distinguish the real from the imagined. Yes, sometimes the author can tell the two apart.


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